Thursday, May 29, 2014
She’s the one who doesn’t think twice about hair straighteners and curling irons. She’s content with her waves and braids and she definitely doesn’t spend hours in front of a mirror. It’s one less thing to not think about when she’s not planning her next day. While others are getting ready for the night, she’s off seizing the day.
You'll also recognize a girl who travels by the fact she always amazed at the world around her, no matter if she is in her home town or in a place that's totally new.She sees beauty all around her, not just the ones featured in the travel guides or shown in postcards.
A girl who travels has developed a deeper appreciation of life. She won't judge you, or pressure you to do things you don't want to do.She knows too much about the importance of identity and self-efficacy, and dhe will appreciate all the more if you won't pretend to be who you're not.
You can make mistakes with a girl who travels, and you can also be idiosyncratic as you can be.As she has seen so much worse in her travels and knows firsthand the vagaries of human nature.
Marry a girl who travels. She will introduce you to a new way to experience life. The weekend routine, the distraction from the everyday, will not be necessary. You will be constantly exposed to new fantasies and adventures.
You will not have to worry about impressing her with your car and corporate job, and you most certainly won’t have to shower her with jewelry from Tiffany’s. She values time over money and would rather have a story than a necklace.
Marry a girl who travels because she will allow you to leave your comfort zone. She won’t allow you to be bored because she’s always finding the road less travelled.
Chances are, she doesn’t want the life her friends have. She’s a dreamer who is unafraid to make those dreams a reality. She’s a freelancer and you will quickly become a muse to her art. She will show you a side of yourself that you often run from. She will not just listen to you complain about your job; she will try to show you how to change it.
Marry a girl who travels. She’s the one who is open about her mistakes for the story and who will appreciate your mistakes as well. She may not use her college degree, but she accepts knowledge from a peaceful and unique point of view. She is open-minded and trusts the world to take care of her and does not feel the need to become a slave to someone else’s dream. She is accepting of what life gives and recognizes when life leads her to a person worth loving.
Marry a girl who travels because she knows how to relinquish control. She recognizes that dreams change and will change her plans for the chance to love. She is friends with herself and knows how to follow her heart. She recognizes the beauty of uncertainty, and will plunge headfirst into the world of the unknown without a second thought. She will give herself to a dream without hesitation.
Marry a girl who travels because she knows how to be alone. She doesn’t need you to entertain her, and she’s confident in her choices. She trusts herself and she will not hold back in love when she feels that love is right.
Marry a girl who travels because she is not afraid to be herself. She is respectful of others, but more importantly is respectful to herself. She will defend what she believes is right, and you will soon find yourself doing the same.
She will never need you; making the relationship you build one based on choice, not obligation. She is independent and she understands that there are some dreams you must chase alone.
She is constantly meeting new people and trusts you to do the same. She will nourish your dreams and will expect the same in return. She will never hold you back.
p/s: I did some changes from an article 'date a girl who travels.' :)
Since I join Pepias (Persatuan Pelajar Islam Selangor Darul Ehsan), I learn a lot of things.. I learned how to manage time to be good to to make people feel comfortable with to handle kids (lol) and especially the most important part is.. I learn what is the purpose of life! Which is HaKhaDa! "Hamba, Khalifah, and Dai'e"
But the most vital question in life is ‘Why are we here?’
Well, why are we here? To amass fame and fortune? To make music and babies? To be the richest man or woman in the graveyard for, as we are jokingly told, “He who dies with the most toys wins?”
No, there must be more to life than that, so let’s think about this. To begin with, look around you. Unless you live in a cave, you are surrounded by things we humans have made with our own hands. Now, why did we make those things? The answer, of course, is that we make things to perform some specific function for us. In short, we make things to serve us. So by extension, why did God make us, if not to serve Him?
If we acknowledge our Creator, and that He created humankind to serve Him, the next question is, “How? How do we serve Him?” No doubt, this question is best answered by the One who made us. If He created us to serve Him, then He expects us to function in a particular manner, if we are to achieve our purpose. But how can we know what that manner is? How can we know what God expects from us?
Well, consider this: God gave us light, by which we can find our way. Even at night, we have the moon for light and the stars for navigation. God gave other animals guidance systems best suited for their conditions and needs. Migrating birds can navigate, even on overcast days, by how light is polarized as it passes through the clouds. Whales migrate by “reading” the Earth’s magnetic fields. Salmon return from the open ocean to spawn at the exact spot of their birth by smell, if that can be imagined. Fish sense distant movements through pressure receptors that line their bodies. Bats and blind river dolphins “see” by sonar.
Certain marine organisms (the electric eel being a high-voltage example) generate and “read” magnetic fields, allowing them to “see” in muddy waters, or in the blackness of ocean depths. Insects communicate by pheromones. Plants sense sunlight and grow towards it (phototrophism); their roots sense gravity and grow into the earth (geotrophism). In short, God has gifted every element of His creation with guidance. Can we seriously believe he would not give us guidance on the one most important aspect of our existence, namely our raison d’etre our reason for being? That he would not give us the tools by which to achieve salvation?
So what does the Creator, God, tell us about our purpose in life? God states in the Quran that He created the human to be His trustee on earth. Mankind’s basic trust, our responsibility, is to believe in and worship God:
And I did not create the jinn and humankind except to worship Me… [Quran 51:56-58]
Some would hold that the purpose of life was to acquire wealth. Yet suppose they were to acquire millions of dollars, what then would they claim is their purpose after doing so?
If the purpose of life is to become wealthy, there would be no purpose after becoming wealthy.
The fact is that when people approach their purpose here in this life from the aspect of only gaining wealth, after collecting the money they have dreamed of their lives loose purpose and then they live in restless tension suffering from a feeling of worthlessness.
How could wealth then be considered as the aim of life?
Could the acquisition of wealth guarantee happiness? Of course not.
When we hear of millionaires or members of their families committing suicide, how could we consider the purpose of life would be to gain great wealth?
A child of 5 years would obviously prefer a new toy to a deposit slip for a million dollars.
A teenager does not consider millions of dollars in the bank a substitute for movies, videos, pizza and hanging out with his friends.
A person in their 80s or 90s would never consider holding on to their wealth in place of spending it to hold on to or regain their health.
This proves that money is not the main purpose at all the stages of one's life.
Wealth can do little or nothing to bring happiness to one who is a disbeliever in Almighty God, because regardless of what he or she would gain in this life they would always live in fear of what will happen to them in the end. They would wonder what would become of them and how they would end up.
Wealth and its accumulation as a purpose would be doomed to a temporary success at best and in the end it would only spell out self destruction.
So, what is the use of wealth to a person without belief? He would always fear his end and would always be skeptical of everything. He may gain a great material wealth but he would only lose himself in the end.
Worship of the One True Almighty God of the Universe [Allah in Arabic] as a primary goal or aim in life provides a believer with everything he needs to succeed in both this life and the Next Life.
The word for total surrender, submission, obedience, purity of heart and peace in the Arabic language is "Islam". Those who try to perform these actions are called "MU-slims" [Islam-ERs].
To a Muslim the whole purpose of life is "ibadah" or worship to the One True Almighty God on Terms and under His Conditions.
The term "worship" to a Muslim includes any and all acts of obedience to Almighty Allah.
Because Islam teaches that this life is only a test or trial for the individual to show him his true nature it is only natural that he would accept death as not so much an ending to everything but more as a beginning of the final and lasting life in the Hereafter.
Before entering into either of the final lodging places i.e.; Heaven or Hell, there must needs be a Day of Judgment or showing of one's true self to make them aware of their own nature and thereby understand what they have sent on ahead during the life here on the earth.
Every person will be rewarded [or punished] according to their attitude, appreciation and efforts during this stay on earth. None will be asked about the actions and beliefs of others, nor will anyone be asked regarding that which he was unaware of or incapable of doing.
As the life here is considered as an examination for the individual, the death stage is considered as a resting period after the test. It could be easy for those who were faithful and dedicated or it could be grueling and horrible for the wicked.
Reward and punishment will be in direct proportion to each person and it is only Allah, alone who will be the Final Judge over us all.
So in the teachings of the True Surrender, Submission, Obedience, In Sincerity and Peace to the Almighty One God [Islam], the line of life and its purpose is logical, clear and simple:
The first life is a test
The life in the grave is a resting or waiting place before the Day of Judgment
The Day of Judgment brings about the clear understanding of what will now happen to the individual based on his own desires and actions
The Permanent or Afterlife will either be spend in luxurious splendor or miserable punishment .
Following this clear understanding of life, the Muslim's purpose is clear.
First of all, he has no doubt in his mind that:
he is only created by Allah
he is going to spend a period of time in this material world [called "Ad Dunyah" in Arabic]
he knows he will die
he knows he will spend time in the grave, either pleasant or difficult depending on his own choice of attitude and actions
he knows he will be resurrected for the Day of Judgment
he knows he will be judged according to the most fair of standards by Allah the Almighty, the All
Knowing he realizes his attitude and actions are going to come under very close scrutiny
he knows that this short life compared to the Eternal Life was in fact, only for a test
This life is very meaningful and purposeful to the Believing Muslim, as he realizes that it will determine is outcome and permanent position in the Next Life.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
The Rules For Being Human
You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period of this time around.
2. You will learn lessons.
You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life.Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
Growth is a process of trial and error.Experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works.”
4. A lesson is repeated until learned.
A lesson will be presented to ou in various forms until you have learned it.When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.
5. Learning lessons does not end.
There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If yo are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
6. “There “ is no better than “here.”
When your “there” has become a “here” u will simply obtain another “there” that will again look better than “here.”
7. Others are merely mirrors of you.
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
8. What you make of your life is up to you.
You have all the tools and resources you need.What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours
9. Your answer lies inside you.
The answer to Life’s question lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.
10. You will forget all this.
And now..You are smiling aren’t you? ^_^
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Di situ
aku timba pengalaman
yang tak pernah jemu
memaknakan kehidupan
untuk menuju kebahagian.
Di situ
dia lah oborku
kuberi nama kegagalan
yang banyak memberikan
pengajaran dan kesungguhan
untuk mencipta kejayaan.
Aku yakin
sepanjang hayat
pasti aku diuji dengan hebat
namun cintaku kepada-Mu, Rab
ku harap tak pernah gugat
walau sesaat.
Anis Munira
14 Mei 2014
Taman Maluri
14 Mei 2014
Taman Maluri
Kuala Lumpur.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Kau ini bagaimana?
Kau bilang Aku merdeka, Kau memilihkan untukku segalanya
Kau suruh Aku berpikir, Aku berpikir Kau tuduh Aku kapir
Aku harus bagaimana?
Kau bilang bergeraklah, Aku bergerak Kau curigai
Kau bilang jangan banyak tingkah, Aku diam saja Kau waspadai
Kau ini bagaimana?
Kau suruh Aku pegang prinsip, Aku memegang prinsip Kau tuduh Aku kaku
Kau suruh Aku toleran Kau bilang Aku plin-plan
Aku harus bagaimana?
Aku Kau suruh maju, Aku mau maju Kau srimpung kakiku
Kau suruh Aku bekerja, Aku bekerja Kau ganggu Aku
Kau ini bagaimana?
Kau suruh aku taqwa,
khutbah keagamaan mu membuatku sakit jiwa
Kau suruh aku mengikutimu,
langkahmu tak jelas arahnya
Aku harus bagaimana?
Aku kau suruh menghormati hukum, kebijaksanaanmu menyepelekannya
Aku Kau suruh berdisiplin, Kau menyontohkan yang lain
Kau ini bagaimana?
Kau bilang Tuhan sangat dekat, Kau sendiri memanggilnya dengan pengeras suara tiap saat
Kau bilang Kau suka damai, Kau ajak Aku setiap hari bertikai
Aku harus bagaimana?
Aku Kau suruh membangun, Aku membangun Kau merusakannya
Aku Kau suruh menabung, Aku menabung Kau menghabiskannya
Kau ini bagaimana?
Kau suruh Aku menggarap sawah, sawahku Kau tanami rumah-rumah
Kau bilang Aku harus punya rumah, Aku punya rumah Kau meratakannya dengan tanah
Aku harus bagaimana?
Aku Kau larang berjudi, permainan spekulasimu menjadi-jadi
Aku Kau suruh bertanggung jawab, Kau sendiri terus berucap Wallahu a'lam bissawab
Kau ini bagaimana?
Kau suruh Aku jujur, Aku jujur Kau tipu Aku
Kau suruh Aku sabar, Aku sabar Kau injak tengkukku
Aku harus bagaimana?
Aku Kau suruh memliihmu sebagai wakilmu, sudah kupilih Kau bertindak sendiri semaumu
Kau bilang Kau selalu memikirkanku, Aku sapa saja Kau merasa terganggu
Kau ini bagaimana?
Kau bilang bicaralah, Aku bicara Kau bilang Aku ceriwis
Kau bilang jangan banyak bicara, Aku bungkam Kau tuduh Aku apatis
Aku harus bagaimana?
Aku harus bagaimana?
Kau bilang kritiklah, Aku kritik Kau marah
Kau bilang carikan alternatifnya, Aku kasih alternatif Kau bilang jangan mendikte saja
Kau ini bagaimana?
Aku bilang terserah Kau, Kau tidak mau
Aku bilang terserah kita, Kau tak suka
Aku bilang terserah Aku, Kau memakiku
Kau ini bagaimana?
Atau Aku harus bagaimana?
(K.H.A. Mustofa Bisri, 1987)
Aku diajar
Tanpa ilmu
hidup mudah ditipu
maka elakkan menipu.
Aku dilatih
Tanpa akhlak
hidup akan rosak
maka iman didada perlu pasak.
Aku dididik
Tanpa solat
hidup akan tersesat
maka ibadat jangan liat.
Aku memerhati
Tanpa iman
hidup tak keruan
maka teguhkan pegangan.
Aku mengetahui
Tanpa cinta
hidup sentiasa sepi
maka kejar cinta ilahi.
Anis Munira
15 Mei 2014
Taman Maluri
Kuala Lumpur.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
After few weeks went back from Nepal , today I want to share my odyssey story.
Travel mates - My dad, My cousin(s), My dad's friends.
April 14, 2014 :
I got the chance to do rafting (berakit) along the Trishuli River, Kathmandu. These activity took me about 3 hours. It sounds too long right? But actually…Yeah it is ! I couldn’t agree more.To be frank, at first my group members and I were very enthusiastic. But that was all because we were still vibrant and so we could paddle like nobody cares. Unfortunately, "Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.".haha.. the spirit did not last long as we felt very tired and on the second half,so we just let the bot flowed by itself following the waterflow.Could you imagine that we were rowing for about 25 KILOMETER with 6 obsticles ( big waves) non-stop! Fuhh...
Life is but a dream.".haha.. the spirit did not last long as we felt very tired and on the second half,so we just let the bot flowed by itself following the waterflow.Could you imagine that we were rowing for about 25 KILOMETER with 6 obsticles ( big waves) non-stop! Fuhh...
At night, I thought that I got muscle aches! Auchh, I could not move normally as I used before. This is all because I was too excited as this is my first time did this kind of activities. So, without doing any warm up, I just row as frequent as I want. Oleh yang demikian, padan muka sayalah kan. Heh.. Terima kasih kepada Relispray. Tanpanya , saya mungkin menggelupur sepanjang malam akibat tidak dapat tidur dengan lena.. Alhamdulillah..
Besides that, during the night we also went to Tharu Stick Dance (culture program). It was quite nice as I’ve never saw that kind of dance before. The native people dance using stick as their main instrument and they really look like a warrior!
April 15, 2014 :
In the morning, we went for canoeing. It was also one of the awesome experience that I gained from that trip. It was a different river but I couldn’t remember the name. Sorry..
Ouh ya! I saw many crocodiles while we were passing through the river. Crocodile were everywhere. I repeat. EVERYWHERE! But don’t worry. They are my friends. They don’t bite us and also we are not that delicious to be their dishes. Lol.
After that, we went for elephant ride.Praise to Allah. He is the only one and the best Creator ever! Laillahaillallah Muhammad Rasulullah..I couldn’t believe that I was on the elephant body! Masha Allah! That animal is too huge! But walks toooo slow.Heh -_-‘’
But who am I to condemn right? Allahuakhbar..
"Dan Dialah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan benar. Dan benarlah perkataan-Nya di waktu Dia mengatakan: "Jadilah, lalu terjadilah", dan di tangan-Nyalah segala kekuasaan di waktu sangkakala ditiup. Dia mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nampak. Dan Dialah Yang Maha Bijaksana lagi Maha Mengetahui. " (SURAT AL AN'AAM (Binatang peliharaan) -ayat 73)
Ouh ya, one more thing.. All the elephant at Nepal were actually preserve by the Nepalis. Besides, lifting things elephant also bring people/ tourist for sight-seeing around the jungle.
On this day, we were trekking to Australian camp or Dhampur from the afternoon after we had our lunch. After few hours trekking, we could fell that our fat was burning. Hehe. But actually the trek is not that hard. So, I recommend to those who are interested in trekking (beginners especially), you guys can come here and enjoy the spectacular panaroma in the same time! I am not joking, the scenery was very beautiful! Masha Allah.. The weather is soooo cold and yet nice.
One more thing, Subhanallah.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhuakhbar! Allah gave me the chance which I never ever thought before..While we were waiting for Maghrib prayer, my cousin and I had a chat in our small but comfortable room. All of sudden, it was raining outside and the sound of the rain was quite weird (as our rooftop were shower with something like pebbles).. So both of us decided to go outside and see what had happened. Can you imagine my excited face while I am typing this? Subhanallah! It was HAIL (Hujan Batu) ! Seriously! This is true! It occurred in front of my eyes! I touched the tiny ice with my bare hand and it was magnificent! Subhanallah.
On the next morning, we enjoyed the sunrise and panoramic views of Himalayas,Green Hills, Landscape and after we had our breakfast we started to trek down to Fedi.
"Dan Dialah yang meniupkan angin sebagai pembawa khabar gembira, mendahului kedatangan rahmatNya (hujan), sehingga apabila angin membawa awan mendung, Kami halakan ke suatu daerah yang tandus, lalu Kami turunkan hujan di daerah itu, maka Kami keluarkan dengan sebab hujan itu pelbagai jenis buah-buahan. Demikianlah Kami membangkitkan orang yang telah mati, mudah-mudahan kamu mengambil pelajaran " ~Surah Al-A'raf ayat 57~
April 17, 2014 :
Alhamdulillah.. I had the opportunity to do paragliding. I was booked in to paranova nepal through my travel agent. Paranova is located in the heart of lake side, good thing about them is they have pick up and drop service. I must say, once you take off, you will be in the air, you see the gorgeous mountain to the north. This is the best way to explore Himalayas.
Do you ever dream of flying -making lazy circles in the sky like a seagull or a hawk? If you do, you're not alone.Enthusiasts call it the simplest form of human flight. Using air currents and shifting their own body weight, paragliders can fly to heights of 23,000 feet (7,000 meters) with their paragliding sails. You can't beat the view, and paragliders find the solitude incredibly peaceful.
In theory, paragliding is similar to hang gliding. But there are several important differences. Hang gliders typically have an aluminum frame with a V-shaped wing. Paragliders have no frame, and the wing is an elliptical-shaped parachute that folds up to the size of a backpack when it's not being used. These features make paragliders considerably lighter and more convenient to transport than hang gliders.
Paragliders also soar a bit more slowly than hang gliders, which makes it easier for people to learn to fly them. You might think paragliding is like parachuting. But there's one main difference. Paragliding pilots start on the ground with their parachutes already deployed, and the wind takes them up into the sky. Parachuters fall from the sky and deploy the parachute as they get closer to the ground.
Do you ever dream of flying -making lazy circles in the sky like a seagull or a hawk? If you do, you're not alone.Enthusiasts call it the simplest form of human flight. Using air currents and shifting their own body weight, paragliders can fly to heights of 23,000 feet (7,000 meters) with their paragliding sails. You can't beat the view, and paragliders find the solitude incredibly peaceful.
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My Pilot - Mr.Buddhi Sagar |
In theory, paragliding is similar to hang gliding. But there are several important differences. Hang gliders typically have an aluminum frame with a V-shaped wing. Paragliders have no frame, and the wing is an elliptical-shaped parachute that folds up to the size of a backpack when it's not being used. These features make paragliders considerably lighter and more convenient to transport than hang gliders.
Paragliders also soar a bit more slowly than hang gliders, which makes it easier for people to learn to fly them. You might think paragliding is like parachuting. But there's one main difference. Paragliding pilots start on the ground with their parachutes already deployed, and the wind takes them up into the sky. Parachuters fall from the sky and deploy the parachute as they get closer to the ground.
Paragliding is a must-do at Pokhara! It's an out of the world experience to para glide.“You can’t imagine the power. You feel like nothing, like a leaf from a tree going up,” It was the first time for me and I did a tandem jump.Alhamdulillah. They made it very easy. We just have to run down a hill, not look down and just get lifted off with the wind. I was initially scared since it was my first time but it happened within no time and I was very excited and comfortable when I was up in the air. I took the half an hour trip but the one hour one can get you a view of the Himalayas provided the skies are clear and the best time to do it is the first time in the morning.
We already booked a flight to see the mountains (including the Everest).Our tourist guide, picked us up from our hotel at 6.00am on the morning of the flight and was there at the airport to meet me afterwards. The flight with Yeti Airlines was a magical experience. Everyone has a window seat. We took off a little after the scheduled departure time once the early fog had cleared and, within minutes, were soaring past the towering snow clad caps of the Langtan Range. We flew for 45 minutes parallel to the ranges and the stewardess pointed put the various peaks as they came into view. Set against the dazzling blue of the early morning, the rugged, mountainous terrain evoked sighs of awe from all on the plane, especially when we each HAD OUR TURN to view the scene FROM THE COCKPIT.
Not once did I feel anxiety about our proximity to the seemingly endless stretch of mighty mountains alongside which we just seemed to float, as the views were just so impressive. Everest appeared, a great exultant pyramid jutting into the sky, caressed softly on its mighty peak by a faint wisp of sunlit cloud. The mood on the plane was one of awestruck happiness. If you are seated on the left side of the plane you are closer to the mountains on the outward flight but if you sit on the right, you have the view up even closer on the return journey. It was good and exhilirating flight.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Menjadi Seorang Lebih Sosial
Apabila anda mengembara, anda akan terpaksa bercakap dengan ramai orang. Anda akan bertanya mengenai lokasi kedai, lokasi hotel atau lokasi tempat shopping yang bagus di sekitarnya. Secara tidak langsung, ia memberikan anda teknik bersosial dengan baik. Malah, secara umumnya, pada peringkat awal anda mungkin tiada keyakinan bahawa anda mampu untuk berkomunikasi lebih daripada satu bahasa iaitu bahasa ibunda sendiri (Waima anda ada belajar bahasa asing walaupun sekadar basic je. cth: Bahasa Inggeris) tetapi sekiranya anda mengembara, anda secara tidak langsung perlu mempraktikkan bahasa asing tersebut meskipun sekadar 'bahasa asing rojak". Jika difikirkan semula, bukankah ini satu peluang untuk melatih diri untuk bercakap bahasa asing tersebut ?
Keyakinan Diri akan Lebih Tinggi
Banyak lokasi pelancongan yang boleh menaikkan semangat diri anda, seperti mendaki gunung, snorkling atau meredah hutan belantara. Penggembaraan seperti ini memberikan anda peluang untuk mencabar keupayaan diri. Pendek kata, anda telah melakukan perkara-perkara yang menggerunkan. Selepas mencapai begitu banyak perkara, anda akan berasa lebih lebih yakin dalam keupayaan anda untuk mencapai apa-apa.
Belajar Untuk Menerima Seadanya ( Redha).
Anda kadang-kadang akan menghadapi masalah seperti terlepas penerbangan, bas lambat, tersalah train, kelewatan yang tidak dapat dielakkan, tergolek ketika mendaki bukit, terpeleot ketika merentasi batu bata di kawasan air terjun dan banyak lagi. Anda telah belajar bagaimana untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan yang sentiasa berubah-ubah.
Ujian dan dugaan yang menimpa, bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat kita ketahui sebelumnya ianya berlaku.Allah taala menguji hambaNya dengan ujian yang hambaNya boleh terima. Maka sabar dan senyumlah. Lain orang lain ujiannya.
Ujian dan dugaan yang menimpa, bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat kita ketahui sebelumnya ianya berlaku.Allah taala menguji hambaNya dengan ujian yang hambaNya boleh terima. Maka sabar dan senyumlah. Lain orang lain ujiannya.
Bagi saya, apabila saya mengembara, saya dapat mendidik diri supaya lebih bersabar ataupun husnudzan (bersangka baik). Lebih-lebih lagi apabila berurusan dengan manusia yang pelbagai jenis ragamnya, Ada yang sukar bertoleransi, panas baran, susah didekati, tidak banyak cakap, cepat melenting. Semua perkara yang dilalui ketika mengembara merupakan satu tarbiyah untuk diri saya supaya sedar bahawa setiap perkara tidak mungkin akan menjadi mudah mengikut kemahuan kita. Pasti ada kesukaran dan rintangan yang perlu dilalui sebelum tercapainya perkara yang kita idamkan.
Sebab itulah, bagi sang kembara yang menggunakan akalnya untuk melihat, Mereka akan mampu untuk menyaksikan setiap kesukaran yang dihadapi bukan sekadar halangan semata tetapi ianya merupakan warna-warni kehidupan dalam mengejar Mardhatillah.
Sesungguhnya, jalan menuju syurga itu adalah dengan kesabaran. Sebab itu, Nabi telah bersabda : "Manusia yang paling berat ujiannya adalah para nabi, kemudian yang terbaik sesudah mereka.Seseorang itu diuji sesuai kadar agamanya. Jika agamanya kuat, ujiannya berat. Jika agamanya lemah, dia diuji sekadar agamanya.
Melatih Diri Berani Mengharungi Cabaran
Apabila anda menjadi yakin dalam keupayaan anda untuk berbuat apa sahaja, anda pasti mampu melakukan segala-galanya. Terjunan, Melompat dari tebing, takluk ketakutan anda ketinggian, berjalan kaki 10km dan apa sahaja. Itu semua sebahagian daripada perjalanan pengembaraan dan lebih banyak anda mengembara, lebih banyak cabaran yang anda akan lalui ! Semua itu hanya akan berlaku, sekiranya anda tekad dalam membuat keputusan untuk mengembara. Jika tidak, perkara tersebut masih akan kemas tertulis dalam list-to-do diari anda. Fikir-fikirkan.. Grab the chance, or just forget about it..
Mempunyai Kelebihan dalam Membaca Perwatakan Seseorang Mahupun Suasana.
Apabila anda tidak tahu bahasa setempat, komunikasi bukan lisan menjadi lebih penting untuk membaca orang dan situasi. Jika anda selalu kembara, anda mungkin dapat belajar membaca bahasa badan orang lain dan memberitahu anda tentang persekitaran anda. Ini boleh menyelamatkan anda daripada keadaan yang tidak baik.
Perjalanan Meluaskan Horizon Sang Pengembara.
Setiap tempat, daerah, negeri atau negara punyai budaya dan cara hidup berbeza. Ia mengajar anda tentang persamaan dan ada perbezaan seluruh bahagian dunia. Anda akan mengetahui bahawa kita sebenarnya banyak lagi yang perlu kita belajar tentang kehidupan.
Anda Akan Belajar Cara Hidup Survival
Jika anda boleh menguruskan perjalanan di negara-negara asing atau tinggal di tempat yang baru, anda mungkin boleh melakukan apa-apa sahaja. Memang betul, kerana bila anda travel di lokasi baru, anda akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk 'survive'. Pada ketika itu, anda akan sedar bahawa anda perlu percaya pada kekuatan diri sendiri sebelum mengambil keputusan untuk bergantung harap kepada orang lain."
Anda Akan Mempunyai Pelbagai Cerita Untuk Di Kongsi
Anda akan mempunyai banyak cerita yang menakjubkan untuk diberitahu pada keluarga, sahabat handai, mahupun orang yang baru sahaja dikenali. Malah, mungkin ini kelebihan yang anda ada dalam mengeratkan silaturrahim sesama keluarga ataupun mewujudkan suasana mesra alam bersama teman baru.
Anda akan Mempunyai Pengalaman Kerja Yang Bagus ( InsyaAllah)
Apabila anda telah mengembara ke serata dunia, anda akan terbiasa mengendalikan situasi janggal dan akan mampu untuk menangani masalah dengan cara yang berbeza dan juga mempunyai pandangan dari segi perspektif yang berlainan daripada orang biasa. Pendek kata, anda akan belajar banyak kemahiran soft skill yang tidak boleh diajar di sekolah atau pejabat. Keupayaan untuk bekerja dengan baik dengan orang lain dan mengemudi situasi yang berbeza boleh memberi anda kelebihan sebenar dalam wawancara pekerjaan.
Anda Akan Berkenalan Dengan Ramai Orang Dari Seluruh Pelusuk Dunia
Selepas anda mengembara, anda pasti akan punyai rakan-rakan baru di setiap tempat yang anda lawati. Dimana sebelum ini, kita tidak berpeluang untuk mempunyai teman-teman yang datangnya dari berbeza negara. Tetapi, sekiranya anda melakukan perubahan dalam hidup anda dan merebut peluang untuk mengembara nescaya saya yakin dimana sepanjang perjalanan anda, anda pasti akan berjumpa dengan orang yang baru. Dan jika ditakdirkan, berkemungkinan insan tersebut mungkin akan menjadi salah seorang yang amat penting dalam hidup anda. Tidak kira, di rumah, pejabat mahupun teman seperjuangan. Jadi, apa tunggu lagi..
Sebenarnya memang banyak kelebihan bagi mereka yang selalu mengembara samada dalam atau luar negara.Semestinya, pengalaman ini tak akan dapat di beli dengan wang ringgit malah ia merupakan sesuatu pengalaman yang sangat berharga bagi sesiapa yang dikurniakan-Nya. Pergi lah melancong, anda akan teruja dengan nikmat luasnya dunia milik Allah ini. Allahuakhbar!
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