Thursday, May 29, 2014


She’s the one who doesn’t think twice about hair straighteners and curling irons. She’s content with her waves and braids and she definitely doesn’t spend hours in front of a mirror. It’s one less thing to not think about when she’s not planning her next day. While others are getting ready for the night, she’s off seizing the day.

You'll also recognize a girl who travels by the fact she always amazed at the world around her, no matter if she is in her home town or in a place that's totally new.She sees beauty all around her, not just the ones featured in the travel guides or shown in postcards.

A girl who travels has developed a deeper appreciation of life. She won't judge you, or pressure you to do things you don't want to do.She knows too much about the importance of identity and self-efficacy, and dhe will appreciate all the more if you won't pretend to be who you're not.

You can make mistakes with a girl who travels, and you can also be idiosyncratic as you can be.As she has seen so much worse in her travels and knows firsthand the vagaries of human nature.

Marry a girl who travels. She will introduce you to a new way to experience life. The weekend routine, the distraction from the everyday, will not be necessary. You will be constantly exposed to new fantasies and adventures.

You will not have to worry about impressing her with your car and corporate job, and you most certainly won’t have to shower her with jewelry from Tiffany’s. She values time over money and would rather have a story than a necklace.

Marry a girl who travels because she will allow you to leave your comfort zone. She won’t allow you to be bored because she’s always finding the road less travelled.

Chances are, she doesn’t want the life her friends have. She’s a dreamer who is unafraid to make those dreams a reality. She’s a freelancer and you will quickly become a muse to her art. She will show you a side of yourself that you often run from. She will not just listen to you complain about your job; she will try to show you how to change it.

Marry a girl who travels. She’s the one who is open about her mistakes for the story and who will appreciate your mistakes as well. She may not use her college degree, but she accepts knowledge from a peaceful and unique point of view. She is open-minded and trusts the world to take care of her and does not feel the need to become a slave to someone else’s dream. She is accepting of what life gives and recognizes when life leads her to a person worth loving.

Marry a girl who travels because she knows how to relinquish control. She recognizes that dreams change and will change her plans for the chance to love. She is friends with herself and knows how to follow her heart. She recognizes the beauty of uncertainty, and will plunge headfirst into the world of the unknown without a second thought. She will give herself to a dream without hesitation.

Marry a girl who travels because she knows how to be alone. She doesn’t need you to entertain her, and she’s confident in her choices. She trusts herself and she will not hold back in love when she feels that love is right.

Marry a girl who travels because she is not afraid to be herself. She is respectful of others, but more importantly is respectful to herself. She will defend what she believes is right, and you will soon find yourself doing the same.

She will never need you; making the relationship you build one based on choice, not obligation. She is independent and she understands that there are some dreams you must chase alone.

She is constantly meeting new people and trusts you to do the same. She will nourish your dreams and will expect the same in return. She will never hold you back.

p/s: I did some changes from an article 'date a girl who travels.' :)

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