Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Alhamdulillah. I discovered new thing during my previous trip trekking in Nepal. One of my style when visiting WINTER country. ( Still covering my aurah )

Things should have :
1) Anak tudung ninja  (Make sure that it could cover your neck, but it is more appropriate if it could cover your chest as well)
2) Snow Cap ( Eg: The Owl Cap )
3) Selendang/Shawl/ Magic Cap (like the one that I put on my neck) ( Eg: If you choose to wear shawl just  make sure that you do not fold it too small, but let it width instead as it could cover your chest)
4) Sweater / Loose Jacket

*I think this style is also suitable for those who love outdoor activities such as HIKING/MOUNTAIN CLIMBING/TREKKING as you do not need to think to bring an iron or else to look good and still able to cover your aurah even in hard situation such as in jungle.Besides, this style  help you to feel warm all the timenig especially during night time.

 InsyaAllah. :)


A friend of ours was walking down a deserted Mexican beach at sunset. As he walked along, he began to see another man in the distance. As he grew nearer, he noticed that the local native kept leaning down picking something up and throwing it out into the water. Time and again he kept hurling things out into the ocean.
As our friend approached even closer, he noticed that the man was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time, he was throwing them back into the water.

Our friend was puzzled. He approached the man and said, “Good evening friend. I was wondering what are you doing.”
“I’m throwing these starfish back into the ocean. You see, it’s low tide right now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If I don’t throw them back into the sea, they’ll die up here from lack of oxygen.”
“I understand,” my friend replied, “but there must be thousands of starfish on this beach. You can’t possibly get to all of them. There are simply too many. And don’t you realize this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast. Can’t you see that you can’t possibly make a difference?”
The local native smiled, bent down and picked up yet another starfish, and he threw it back into the sea, he replied, “Made a difference to that one!”

                                                                                                               Jack Canfield and Mark V.Hansen


Sebatang pokok dapat membuat jutaan batang mancis. Tapi satu batang mancis juga mampu membakar jutaan pokok.
Jadi, satu fikiran negatif dapat membakar semua fikiran positif. Mancis mempunyai kepala, tetapi tidak mempunyai otak, oleh kerena itu setiap kali ada gesekan kecil, sang mancis trus terbakar.
 Kita mempunyai kepala, dan juga otak, jadi kita tidak perlu terbakar marah hanya kerena gesekan kecil. 
Ketika burung hidup, ia makan ulat, Ketika burung mati, ulat makan burung.
Waktu terus berputar sepanjang zaman. Kitaran kehidupan terus berlaku.Jangan merendahkan siapapun dalam hidup, bukan kerena siapa mereka, tetapi kerena siapa diri kita. 
Kita mungkin berkuasa tapi WAKTU lebih berkuasa daripada kita. Waktu kita sedang berjaya, kita merasa banyak teman di sekeliling kita. Waktu kita sakit, kita baru tahu bahawa sihat itu sangat penting, jauh melebihi HARTA.
Ketika kita tua, kita baru tahu kalau masih banyak yang belum dikerjakan. Dan, setelah di ambang ajal, kita baru tahu begitu banyak waktu yang terbuang sia-sia. Hidup tidaklah lama, sudah saatnya kita bersama-sama membuat HIDUP LEBIH BERHARGA.Saling menghargai, saling membantu dan memberi, juga saling menyokong. 
Jadilah teman perjalanan hidup yg tanpa banyak soal dan syarat. Believe in "Cause and Effect" Apa yang ditabur, itulah yang akan kita tuai . 


Allahumma solli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ‘ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad


We once had a Teacher 
The Teacher of teachers,
He changed the world for the better 
And made us better creatures,
Oh Allah we’ve shamed ourselves
We’ve strayed from Al-Mu'allim,
Surely we’ve wronged ourselves
What will we say in front him?
Oh Mu'allim...

He was Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam,
Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind,
He was Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam,
Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind,
Teacher of all Mankind. 
Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet]
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad 
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad 
(The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad)
Ya Mustafa ya Imamal Mursalina 
(O Chosen One, O Imam of the Messengers)
Ya Mustafa ya Shafi'al 'Alamina
(O Chosen One, O intercessor of the worlds)
He prayed while others slept
While others ate he’d fast,
While they would laugh he wept
Until he breathed his last,
His only wish was for us to be
Among the ones who prosper,
Ya Mu'allim peace be upon you,
Truly you are our Teacher,
Oh Mu'allim..

Ya Habibi ya Muhammad 
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad 
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Ya Rasuli ya Muhammad 
(O My Messenger O Muhammad)
Ya Bashiri ya Muhammad 
(O bearer of good news O Muhammad)
Ya Nadhiri ya Muhammad 
(O warner O Muhammad)
'Ishqu Qalbi ya Muhammad 
(The love of my heart O Muhammad)
Nuru 'Ayni ya Muhammad 
(Light of my eye O Muhammad) 
He taught us to be just and kind
And to feed the poor and hungry,
Help the wayfarer and the orphan child
And to not be cruel and miserly,
His speech was soft and gentle,
Like a mother stroking her child,
His mercy and compassion, 
Were most radiant when he smiled

Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet]
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad 
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad 
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad 
(The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad)
Ya Mustafa Ya Imamal Mursalina 
(O Chosen One O Imam of the Messengers)
Ya Mustafa ya Shafi'al 'Alamina
(O Chosen One O intercessor of the worlds)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Hereos Conference 2014

The world today is in search of leaders - leaders who would guide humanity towards peace, prosperity and justice. Leaders who surpass personal gain, and think of the common man. Leaders who choose to serve, instead of being kings in palaces. It is our greatest fortune that we Muslims already have a historical, iconic example of such outstanding leadership - our beloved Prophet Muhammad (). The HEROES CONFERENCE 2014 aims at reconnecting the youth to the greatest man to have ever set foot on the earth. A perfect leader, a perfect husband, a perfect father, and a perfect role model.

“Muhammad () : The Complete Man”

Alhamdulillah.Alhamdulillah.Alhamdulillah.I feel blessed. Allah gave me the chance to meet lots of great people that I was never imagine I would.  One of it was during the Muslim Heroes Conference.


- Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah
- Muhammad, The Servant
- House Of The Prophet
- Muhammad, The friend, The Helper
- Muhammad, The Teacher
- The Women Behind Muhammad
- Muhammad and His Struggles
- Muhammad, The Social Reformerer realiz
- Muhammad and The Final Miracle
- Muhammad and Me
1) Do you ever wonder that there are actually scientific proofs that show how deep your love towards the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W...??

The answer is YES!

-You will talk about Him all the time.
-Longing to meet Him.
-We hate people who hate Him.
-We must love the Quran that He brought.
-We honor him everytime we talk about Him anywhere, anytime in our live.
-Practicing His sunnah and defending Him from anyone who tries to aggravate Him.
-Follow his examples.

Otherwise your love is just pretend!

*Siapa yang makan budu, dia yang terasa bilisnya. Eheh.

2) How can Rasulullah S.A.W recognize His ummah during the hereafter?

Our faces will shine and all parts of our body that we take wudhu' will also gleaming. Anggota wudhuk bersinar-sinar habaq hang!

Bila hari kiamat nanti, Semua umat akan berkumpul termasuklah umat daripada Nabi-nabi sebelum Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Maka, pasti lah berduyun-duyun dan berbondong-bondong orang menunggu untuk dihisab amalannya.
Jadinya, ummat Nabi Muhammad ni special kes sikit. Allah beri kelebihan, dimana Rasulullah boleh cam kita dengan mudah. "Oh! Itu umat aku!." Teriak baginda, sambil menunjuk kepada mereka yg bersinar-sinar wajah dan anggota wudhuknya.

Allahuakbar..Alangkah riangnya hati kalau kita lah umat baginda yang terpilih tu..(Ya Allahhhh, izinkan lah kami menjadi antara umat yang terpilih itu. Ameen)

Ada hikmah kenapa kita berwudhuk. Kalau kita perasan, ada beza muka orang yang solat dengan orang yang tak solat. Muka orang yang solat ni sentiasa nampak tenang dan seperti ada Nur yang terpancar pada wajahnya.Orang lain yang tengok pun rasa sejuk je hati berbanding pabila melihat wajah orang yang tak solat, muka mereka kelihatan resah seperti bakal dihimpap tombok besar China. LOL

3) What should you response when someone  is mad and says something bad to you?

Pada zaman dahulu, ada seorang hamba Allah datang berjumpa Rasulullah S.A.W dan berkata perkara yang tidak baik (lebih kurang seperti mencarut) kepada Baginda S.A.W. Dan apabila isteri baginda, Saidatina Aisyah terdengar lalu dimarahinya hamba Allah tersebut dihadapan Rasulullah S.A.W. Kemudian, setelah Rasulullah S.A.W berjaya meredakan suasana. Beliau sekadar membalas "Waalaikum" kepada hamba Allah tersebut. Maka terkedulah hamba tersebut dan terus berlalu pulang. Setelah itu, dipanggilnya Saidatina Aisyah lalu dinasihatinya dan diterangkan mengapa beliau hanya menjawab "Waalaikum" atas segala cacian yang ditaburkan kepadanya.

Why Baginda just replied "Waalaikum"  dan kenapa bukan "Waalaikumussalam" ataupun "Jazakkallahu Khairan" ?

Maksud Waalaikum ialah And you too/ Dan kepada kamu juga.
Maksud Waalakumussalam ialah Dan sejahtera lah keatas kamu.
Maksud Jazakkallahu Khairan ialah Aku memohon semoga Allah mengurniakan kebaikan yang banyak kepadamu sebagai balasan atas kebaikan yang engkau lakukan.

Jadi, daripada membalas kembali cercaan hamba Allah tersebut dengan ungkapan yang tidak sopan, Rasulullah sebaliknya hanya berkata "Waalaikum (Dan kepada kamu juga)". Maksudnya, supaya segala kata-kata yang tidak elok itu kembali kepada hamba Allah itu.Baginda melakukan sedemikian kerana berasa marah akan tetapi tetap berusaha menahan amarahnya.

4) Do not clap but chanting Takbir instead.       

When you join any event,ceremony,function, conference, and etc. It is more suitable to chant Takbir as you will gain rewards (pahala) when you say Allahuakbar! Bertakbir lebih baik daripada menepuk tangan.

Semasa melaungkan takbir, digalakkan agar mengangkat jari telunjuk ke atas (langit) bagi menandakan bahawa Allah itu Esa, Allah hanya Satu. Allahu'alam. Marilah kita sama-sama amalkan.

Clapping hands: Alkisahnya...Pada zaman dahulu....

It is reserved for women who stay at home at there's no man/men. So, if someone come, she claps for few times to give sign to the visitors that there's no man in the house and ask them to go. As it is not proper to accept any visitor without the husband  permission and when he is not around.


1) Definition of a teacher?

To let the information that they convey could be understand by the students.
(Sadly, nowdays it is not like that. There are certain educators who teach  just to make sure the syllabus finish. Maka terbatuk-batuklah para pendidik sekalian. #Eh

2) The best teacher is the one who repeats 3 times on what he/she is teaching. Why ?

This is to help the children to understand more and to avoid misunderstanding as the teacher already emphasize for few times.(It's  Sunnah, repeat 3 times)

3) How to make people interested to listen to what you are saying?

-Make the students WONDERING. Give unpredictable question at the beginning of the lesson but save the answer till the end of session and make the students think the answer and solve the problem by diverting the question back to themselve. Teachers are not a problem solver.

-Use Touching Concept. When you are talking to somebody, do put your hands on their shoulders as this will make them feel safe and loved. Hence, it will increase their good mood to listen carefully to what you are going to say. (This is applicable only with your mahram )

4) How to be a good teacher like The Prophet?

Rasulullah S.A.W was a lenient teacher! He was very generous and merciful in spreading knowledge.

Example : Do not teach primary school student with universitas subject. It is not correct! Teach them the subject that suit their level of thinking. Do not go overboard.

5) Put yourself (teacher) in the student shoes. 

Ohh Cop cop! Meh saya translate kan.. Maksudnya, bukan kamu sumbatkan  diri dalam kasut pelajar, tapi letak dan bayangkan diri kamu sebagai pelajar tersebut. Haa..paham dop?

Lower the level of our understanding, so that the students can grasp the knowledge that we share.

“Mengajar ni memang tak mudah, tapi tak susah.”

Next, they will understand and finally leads them to apply the knowledge.InsyaAllah. setiap orang punya pengalaman bergelar seorang pelajar.Perdana Menteri, doktor, penjual satay, barber, plumber pun dulunya seorang pelajar. Maka, sentiasalah berfikiran positif wahai anda yang bergelar pendidik.Janganlah dipandang rendah pada satu-satu individu.
Dulu waktu  baya-baya mereka, anda pun “burn the midnight oil“ jugak kan nak seduttt segala ilmu duniawi mahupun ukhrawi belakee. Yeddak cikgu cekgi ustad ustajah sekalian? Hmm. Lainlah kalau zaman anda ada doraemon jual roti penghafal. Ehh..
Bersabarlah wahai guru sekalian..Give them some ample time to identify and describe the knowledge. Janganlah terus marah kalau pelajar lambat pick up. Nanti dikhuatiri minat untuk mereka mempelajari subjek anda terus merundum, Bukan sahaja pelajar tak minat untuk belajar , tetapi ditakuti tiada pelajar yang mahu mendengar apa yang mahu kamu ajar.Nak ke jadi cikgu SS (syok sendiri) ?
Setiap orang ada kekuatan dan kelemahan masing-masing.Setiap orang punya keunikan mereka yang tersendiri waima hanya seorang tukang kebun sekalipun.Tanpa mereka, tiadalah bunga yang mekar untuk mewarnai alam. tiada rumput yang akan dipotong, tiada juga pokok yang membekalkan oksigen.
Jadi,setiap orang punya peluang untuk mencorak masa hadapan mereka semolek-moleknya. Siapa kita untuk memandang enteng terhadap orang lain?


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Lunak Si Angklung .

Jemu tiada mendengar irama ini, 
Lenggok alunan merdu sekali,
Jika benar engkau menghayati,
Air mata pasti deras membasahi bumi,
Pohonlah doa terbuka pintunya hati,
Agar roh tenang damai tidak bertepi.
Bukalah mata bukalah hati,
Kepada-Nya jua kita kembali.

AMK-22 April 2014